Skyrim Ps3 Modded Game Saves Download

First off, great, GREAT, tool you have developed. Really, congrats! So, I have my skyrim save which I havent played for a long time.

Now download the Skyrim PS3 Toolkit and extract the contents anywhere on your pc. Then take your PS3 gamesave from USB and place in this folder. Protokoli soveschanij pri zaveduyuschej dou. Modded your save on pc, save it and retrieve the.ess gamesave. Nov 11, 2011 - For PS3, here's a good video guide on how to generally move save games and here's a guide on how to transfer save games from PC to the.

Soon Ill have the opportunity to travel with my PC, which runs Skyrim perfectly and I would like to finish while on the trip. However, I've stuck to the ps3 version due to the trophies. My question is: will the progress done on PC, which eventually would have allowed me to achieve some trophies in the PS3, when 're put' on the ps3 will recognize the new progress and thereby award me with the deserved trophies? I really hope so!

Many thanks, Juan. First off, great, GREAT, tool you have developed.

Really, congrats! So, I have my skyrim save which I havent played for a long time.

Soon Ill have the opportunity to travel with my PC, which runs Skyrim perfectly and I would like to finish while on the trip. However, I've stuck to the ps3 version due to the trophies. My question is: will the progress done on PC, which eventually would have allowed me to achieve some trophies in the PS3, when 're put' on the ps3 will recognize the new progress and thereby award me with the deserved trophies? I really hope so! Many thanks, Juan.

I downloaded the Skyrim toolkit so I could transfer my Skyrim save from PS3 to to PC version so I could try out some mods and fix some broken quests. Buying the Dawnguard add-on for PS3 was almost as expensive as buying PC version of Skyrim Legendary edition so it seemed like a good idea. Everything seemed to work fine with the conversion, but when I try to load the saved game into the PC Skyrim I get an error message saying the save is for an old version (version 0) and the version of the PC game is version 9 so it won't load it. Is there any way round this or any kind of fix? I have rerun skyrim on PS3 and saved the game again to make sure it is the latest version on PS3 but it made no difference when I converted it and tried to load it again on PC Skyrim. I am level 66 and have many hours of play so I am not keen on having to start again from scratch on PC.

If I buy an older version of Skyrim second hand so it will accept the save how can I be sure I get one that will work? Version 0 seems very out of date compared with version 9. I have the same problem as mikfrak. I originally played vanilla Skyrim on PS3.

I eventually bought and installed all three expansions. My PS3 game is currently on version 1.09. I just built a new PC, and wanted to port my PS3 Skyrim save file over to my PC to continue my current save (level 96, over 475 hours played).

Starting over for me is really not an option. I used this program to decrypt my PS3 save file, and edited the file extension. Muscle growth routines When I try to load the file on my PC, I get the error that the save game is from an outdated version (0), and can't be loaded with the current version (9). The only real difference is that the PC version is the Legendary Edition, where the PS3 game was the original retail Skyrim, with DLCs later purchased and added.

Would that cause this problem? Both should still be version 1.09, right? If that is not the issue, will someone please take my converted PS3-to-PC save file and somehow get it to work with the Legendary Edition on PC?