Pokemon Rom Hacking Tools Gbc Roms For Android
So I just started to get into this whole ROM hacking thing, and I was working on a hack when I realized I actually have no interest in creating a story. What I enjoy doing is programming, so I thought it would be cool to make some tools. But there's so many out there already, so I thought why not make them run on my phone, because that's where I play anyways. So I've started working on tools for android.
They probably won't be very useful for a serious hacker as it is much nicer to work in front of a computer then a tiny phone but these will be useful for those who want to change some stuff on the go. I plan on adding more tools to the thread as I go. Anyways here's what I've made so far: Starter Swapper: Change your starter pokemon.
Classic video game modifications, fan translations, homebrew, utilities, and learning resources. Does anyone know if there are any tools to hack Roms on android? Looking to edit Pokemon, events, script, etc. Jump to content. Android Rom-Hacking tools?
Works with Firered v1.0, v1.1, Leafgreen v1.0, v1.1, Ruby v1.0, v1.1, Sapphire v1.0, v1.1, and a version of Emerald which I believe is 1.0. If there is any interest I will release the source on github. The download link should be attached along with a screenshot because I can't add links yet. Apologies if I'm doing something wrong or breaking some protocol, I'm quite new to this community. So I just started to get into this whole ROM hacking thing, and I was working on a hack when I realized I actually have no interest in creating a story.
What I enjoy doing is programming, so I thought it would be cool to make some tools. But there's so many out there already, so I thought why not make them run on my phone, because that's where I play anyways. So I've started working on tools for android.
They probably won't be very useful for a serious hacker as it is much nicer to work in front of a computer then a tiny phone but these will be useful for those who want to change some stuff on the go. I plan on adding more tools to the thread as I go. Anyways here's what I've made so far: Starter Swapper: Change your starter pokemon. Works with Firered v1.0, v1.1, Leafgreen v1.0, v1.1, Ruby v1.0, v1.1, Sapphire v1.0, v1.1, and a version of Emerald which I believe is 1.0. If there is any interest I will release the source on github. The download link should be attached along with a screenshot because I can't add links yet.
Apologies if I'm doing something wrong or breaking some protocol, I'm quite new to this community No one replied yet? This is cool (What language is this written?), BTW welcome back KK. Seems like you are getting his words wrong, He means to include those hacks(findings) from quick research thread into this tool.
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Oh, alright, that does make sense. I thought he wanted this tool's creator to share his stuff in the quick research thread, hahaha. ON: Speaking of which, I agree with Lance's idea. Implementing stuff from the Quick Research Thread sounds like a nice first step for this tool to become Android's equivalent of The_Learner's Quick Enhancer Tool which would be pretty nice. ROM Hacking in Android sounds like a pretty comfy idea and it would be nice if more tools kept popping up as well. ON: Speaking of which, I agree with Lance's idea. Implementing stuff from the Quick Research Thread sounds like a nice first step for this tool to become Android's equivalent of The_Learner's Quick Enhancer Tool which would be pretty nice.