Casio Cz Sysex Patches For Jackets
Casio CZ MIDI/SYSEX Casio CZ MIDI/SYSEX THIS IS AIMED SPECIFICALLY AT CZ101,CZ1000 and CZ5000 OWNERS. This document covers transmission of programming information ( both to and from the CZ ), setting of the controllers you previously couldn't access like tone mix level, and other bits besides. First off, let's recap on the simple stuff.
The MIDI is a digital interface to musical instruments, and relies on serial transmission of data. These data are usually talked of in terms of bytes, and I shall be using hexadecimal numbers in this posting. There are basically two types of bytes sent over MIDI - control bytes and data bytes. Control bytes are distinguished by having values over 0x80 ( 80 hex, 128 decimal ), and these have valious meanings: 1) NOTE ON ---------- A note on message consists of sending a 'NOTE ON' control byte, the note number you want to turn on, and the velocity at which you want to play the note. The note on control is 90 plus the channel number. So, for example, if you want to play note 32 ( = hex 20) at speed 64 (= hex 40), on the midi instrument receiving on channel two, then you would send: 92 20 40 NOTE ON, channel 2 Note #32 Velocity 64 If you wish to turn two or more notes on at the same time, the control byte need not be retransmitted.
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A library of patches for the Casio CZ. Contribute yours. Like an old, dusty synth you forgot about in the corner, this patch imagines vintage string machine with unrealistic plucked and sustained strings together.
Eg to turn note 35 on as well, you could send 92 20 40 23 40 NOTE ON, ch2 ---32 on-- ---35 on-- These codes can be transmitted both ways on all the CZ 101,1000,5000, but since they do not detect note velocity, it is always transmitted and recognized as 64 (= 40 hex). 2) NOTE OFF ----------- Just send a note on message with velocity 0. Eg to turn note 35 off, send 92 23 00 NOTE ON,Ch 2 --35 off-- 3) CONTROL CHANGE ----------------- There are several controls that can be set from MIDI. Just send a 'CONTROL CH' byte, which is B0 plus the channel number, the number of the control that you wish to change, then the value you wish to set it to.
Released in 1984, the Casio CZ-101 was one of the first polyphonic, programmable synthesizers to sell for under $500. I bought mine in a New York City electronics store for about $200. You could only play four voices at a time and the it did not have full sized keys, but it did have MIDI included so you could trigger it from any full sized keyboard with MIDI. To cut down on costs Casio did not include a traditional analog type filter, but the CZ series used a new synthesis technique called 'phase distortion' to simulate a analog filter There were eight models of CZ's produced throughout the 80's. The CZ-101, CZ-230S, CZ-1000, CZ-2000S, CZ-2600S, CZ-3000, CZ-5000, and CZ-1. The models with a 's' included built in speakers which were geared towards the home keyboard market. However, the other CZ's quickly caught on with pro musicians looking to add a low cost synth to their rig.