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Music XML is a universal format for common Western musical notation from the 17th century onwards. It is designed as an interchange format for notation, analysis, retrieval, and performance applications. Capella can read and write in this format allowing you to exchange scores with Sibelius and Finale users.
MusicXML is based on XML which is the format used for most modern document files including Word. Capella uses its own extension of the format to cope with the specialist information required for scores. While it is basically like the MusicXML version of XML, it contains additional information. Unlike biinary files you can read and edit these XML based files with any simple NotePad type program. See the FAQ on XML under Layout FAQs above.
Capella has a default setting for the number of notes it will place horizontally within a page of music. If you find you have notes overflowing the right margin of the page this will usually be because you have imported a file from an earlier version of capella. There are two ways to correct the overflow. The Score Wraparound feature (EXTRAS Score Wrap around), or right mouse clicking on any part of the score page and selecting ‘Score’. In the Note Spacing tab click ‘Allow extra compression of notes along the stave’.
Capella has a default setting for the number of notes it will place horizontally within a page of music. If you find you have notes overflowing the right margin of the page this will usually be because you have imported a file from an earlier version of capella. There are two ways to correct the overflow. The Score Wraparound feature (EXTRAS Score Wrap around), or right mouse clicking on any part of the score page and selecting ‘Score’. In the Note Spacing tab click ‘Allow extra compression of notes along the stave’.}Notes overflowing the right side of the page. If you have an object appearing in the score (such as text or a music symbol) which you can’t click on, it could be that at some point you moved the object more than two lines of music away from its anchor point. What sometimes happens as a result of this is that you can see the object but can’t delete or move it.
The way around this is to click on the beginning of the first stave of the page and press [TAB]. Each time you press it will activate a new object and show you the anchor point and the object. Your inaccessible object will show up as an anchor point without an object attached to it. Delete the anchor point and the object should disappear. What you are looking for is a red block (anchor point) and a blue object. You will need to move the cursor to the start of each stave.