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Contents • • • • • • History [ ] The See Clearly Method was created by four individuals who called themselves the 'American Vision Institute': optometrist, optometrist, psychologist, and nuclear chemist. In 1996 they authored a book entitled Improve Your Vision Without Glasses or Contact Lenses: A New Program of Therapeutic Eye Exercises, on which the later system was based. When businessman saw the book, he asked that the authors develop the program. Along with attorney David Sykes, Rose created Vision Improvement Technologies, which owned and marketed the See Clearly Method, which was heavily advertised on radio and television from 2001 to 2006, with the endorsement of actress. The See Clearly Method has been described as 'amply critiqued and debunked.' Both the Journal of the American Optometric Association and the Journal of Behavioral Optometry declined to publish a study by the American Vision Institute purportedly demonstrating the efficacy of the method. The AVI then self-published the paper on their website.

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[ ] Techniques [ ] Some of the program's techniques were adapted from the, a collection of techniques developed by in the early 20th century. These techniques were based on Bates' own unorthodox theories, which have been consistently rejected and in many cases overturned by the scientific and medical community. There is still no evidence to suggest that the Bates method, in whole or in part, is effective. Some of the See Clearly Method's techniques are outlined below: • ' Tromboning' involved holding a small object at varying distances from one's eyes, inhaling as it was moved in and exhaling as it was moved out. The program's manual stated that 'Tromboning exercises the focusing mechanism, improves control of the and stimulates the flow of nutrients inside the eyes'. • The Scanning Chart exercise involved moving a chart just out of focus, then jumping from dot to dot in time with the music on the program's exercise video.

• The program recommended Acupressure, in essence a massage for muscles surrounding the eye. Mt4 probability meter. • ' Blur reading' entailed turning a magazine upside-down at a distance from which the words were unclear, selecting a word and running one's gaze around it, and then around any letters one could recognize.

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• Personal affirmations such as 'I am seeing better each day' or 'I can see without my glasses' were suggested. • Light therapy, a variation of Bates's 'sunning', involved sitting with one's eyes closed and the face six inches from an unshaded 150-watt bulb, just far enough to make the eyes 'pleasantly warm but not too hot', according to the manual.

• ' Palming', another technique adapted from Bates, involved closing the eyes and resting them against the palms. • ' Hydrotherapy', involved alternately placing hot- and cold-water-soaked towels over the eyes. Legal action [ ], the of, filed a consumer fraud against Vision Improvement Technologies, the promoter of the See Clearly Method, in 2005. The lawsuit alleged that 'Vision Improvement Technologies uses a combination of misleading and unfair marketing tactics to sell their kits, including exaggerated claims of effectiveness, false implications of scientific validity, and misleading consumer testimonials in advertising.'